HealthsignTM is a leading Canadian med tech company based in Ottawa, Ontario. Our diverse team of scientists, engineers, and clinicians endeavor to research, design, and develop ground-breaking non-invasive physiological monitoring devices.

With state-of-the-art research, design, prototyping, manufacturing, assembly, packaging, and dispatching facilities, Healthsign is truly a center of excellence for medical devices in Canada's capital!

We collaborate and liaise with leading healthcare, industry, academic, and government partners to advance invention and innovation in the field of clinical-grade non-invasive health monitoring.


Healthcare Partners

UHN Montfort Hypertension Canada

Industry Partners

L-D Tool & Die Momentum Candor Circuit Boards Cistel Access Healthcare Services Inc. Dunn Engineering

Government Partners

NRC-IRAP Invest Ottawa Medteq

Academic Partners

uOttawa Algonquin College

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